About the Course Design Checklist

New to developing an online course and are going it alone? This document is designed to be used as a resource by faculty to prepare for creating residential, hybrid, and online courses without direct assistance from a learning designer or other support personnel.

Do you have access to learning designers (also referred to as instructional designers or IDs)? There are IDs in place on every Penn State campus who serve as resources to help their colleagues with online teaching. Learning design focuses on the connection between what to teach and how best to teach it. Learning designers typically have a background in instructional systems design, educational psychology, curriculum and instruction, adult education, or a related education field, as well as valuable experience with online education. Their background enables them to help faculty in the creation of effective, efficient, and appealing instructional resources. Wondering who might be able to help you? See:

Use the Resources page to aquire more information about a particular item on the checklist.

Download the checklist as a guide when you create your course.



This checklist was designed for the Faculty/Staff Engagement and Professional Development Committee, part of the Penn State Online Coordinating Council.

Development Team