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This self-assessment for online teaching will allow you to evaluate and reflect upon your competencies in key areas of online teaching and provide a baseline of your pedagogical, technical, and administrative skills. As part of your results, you will receive additional guidance/resources for each competency to better prepare you for the online teaching environment.

The information you provide is used solely to send you the results of the self-assessment, and is not stored on the server.

  • There are thirty questions distributed in three categories within the assessment. The questions are based upon Penn State's Faculty Competencies for Online Teaching

  • All three categories must be completed in full.

  • For each question, please select the response that best represents you.

  • Once you submit all of your answers, you will be taken to a report of your results for the self-assessment that contains a numerical score and additional feedback.

  • A copy of the report will be emailed to the address you provide when you begin.


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As part of your results to the self-assessment, you will receive additional guidance/resources for each competency to better prepare you for the online teaching environment.

Please enter your name and e-mail address before proceeding to the self-assessment. This information is used solely to send you the results of the self-assessment, and is not stored on the server.
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Category 1: Technical Competencies (8 questions)

(Question 1 out of 8): Complete basic computer operations

1.   I can complete basic computer operations including creating and manipulating documents, managing files and folders, and working with multiple windows.



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Category 1: Technical Competencies (8 questions)

(Question 2 out of 8): Log into LMS and access class

2.   I can log into the Learning Management System (LMS) and access the class.



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Category 1: Technical Competencies (8 questions)

(Question 3 out of 8): Navigate course space

3.   I can navigate the course space in the Learning Management System (LMS) to locate critical class elements such as the syllabus, lessons, gradebook, course mail, or other features.



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Category 1: Technical Competencies (8 questions)

(Question 4 out of 8): Set up gradebook and manage grades

4.   I can set up the class gradebook and manage student grades in the Learning Management Syetem (LMS), such as set a grading scale, use points/percentages, and submit final grades.



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Category 1: Technical Competencies (8 questions)

(Question 5 out of 8): Use course communication systems

5.   I can use course communication systems in the Learning Management System (LMS) such as email, chat, web conferencing, discussion forums, or announcements.



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Category 1: Technical Competencies (8 questions)

(Question 6 out of 8): Manage course roster

6.   I can manage the course roster in the Learning Management System (LMS) to set up and manage teams/groups, and add instructors, teaching assistants, or outside guests with appropriate passwords and rights.



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Category 1: Technical Competencies (8 questions)

(Question 7 out of 8): Manage student submissions

7.   I can manage student submissions in the Learning Management System (LMS) using tools such as a dropbox



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Category 1: Technical Competencies (8 questions)

(Question 8 out of 8): Create and manage course files and folders

8.   I can create and manage course files and folders within the Learning Management System (LMS).



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Category 2: Administrative Competencies (11 questions)

(Question 1 out of 11): Use communication tools

1.   I actively participate in the course through a variety of communication tools.



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Category 2: Administrative Competencies (11 questions)

(Question 2 out of 11): Communicate grading per assignment

2.   I communicate to students when assignments and exams will be graded and returned per assignment/quiz/exam.



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Category 2: Administrative Competencies (11 questions)

(Question 3 out of 11): Provide comprehensive syllabus

3.   I can provide a comprehensive syllabus that adheres to my institution's policies. The syllabus includes a course examination policy, a basis for grades, an academic integrity policy, and a disability access statement.



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Category 2: Administrative Competencies (11 questions)

(Question 4 out of 11): Mediate course conflicts

4.   I can mediate course-related student conflicts in accordance with my institution's policies.



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Category 2: Administrative Competencies (11 questions)

(Question 5 out of 11): Adhere to FERPA policies

5.   I can adhere to the institutional policies regarding the Federal Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA).



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Category 2: Administrative Competencies (11 questions)

(Question 6 out of 11): Revise course content

6.   As needed, I can revise course content and instructional materials based on student feedback.



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Category 2: Administrative Competencies (11 questions)

(Question 7 out of 11): Obtain technical assistance

7.   I can obtain technical assistance and support for either myself or my students at the appropriate time.



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Category 2: Administrative Competencies (11 questions)

(Question 8 out of 11): Communicate student behavior expectations

8.   I can communicate my expectations about student behavior in my course (i.e., netiquette).



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Category 2: Administrative Competencies (11 questions)

(Question 9 out of 11): Communicate and monitor academic integrity policies

9.   I can communicate and monitor compliance regarding institutional academic integrity policies.



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Category 2: Administrative Competencies (11 questions)

(Question 10 out of 11): Report grades securely

10.   I can securely report grades to students and input final grades into the University's grading system as required.



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Category 2: Administrative Competencies (11 questions)

(Question 11 out of 11): Notify students of your availability

11.   I can notify students through a variety of communication tools when I am unavailable to participate in course-related activities.



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Category 3: Pedagogical Competencies (11 questions)

(Question 1 out of 11): Attend to unique challenges of asynchronous learning

1.   I can attend to the unique challenges of distance learning where learners are separated by time and geographic proximity, and interactions are primarily asynchronous in nature.



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Category 3: Pedagogical Competencies (11 questions)

(Question 2 out of 11): Provide appropriate educational experience for diverse learners

2.   I am familiar with the unique learning needs and situations of both traditional age and adult learners, providing an educational experience that is appropriate for both.



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Category 3: Pedagogical Competencies (11 questions)

(Question 3 out of 11): Achieve mastery of teaching and learning environment

3.   I can achieve mastery of the teaching and learning environment by becoming familiar with all course materials, as well as the structure and organization of the course environment.



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Category 3: Pedagogical Competencies (11 questions)

(Question 4 out of 11): Respond to student inquiries

4.   I can respond to student inquiries within 12-24 hours to guide students towards a positive learning outcome.



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Category 3: Pedagogical Competencies (11 questions)

(Question 5 out of 11): Provide detailed feedback

5.   I can provide detailed feedback on assignments and exams through facilitation, guidance, directed learning, and progress assessment.



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Category 3: Pedagogical Competencies (11 questions)

(Question 6 out of 11): Communicate course progress and changes

6.   I can communicate as needed with students about course progress and changes via email, course announcements, etc.



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Category 3: Pedagogical Competencies (11 questions)

(Question 7 out of 11): Promote a safe, inviting, mutually respectful learning environment

7.   I can promote and encourage a safe, inviting, and mutually respectful learning environment by communicating with students in a positive tone and by following and promoting Netiquette guidelines.



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Category 3: Pedagogical Competencies (11 questions)

(Question 8 out of 11): Monitor and manage student progress

8.   I can continuously monitor and manage student progress by using course statistics or reports to identify students who are not accessing course materials, participating in learning activities, etc., and reach out to encourage engagement.



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Category 3: Pedagogical Competencies (11 questions)

(Question 9 out of 11): Communicate course goals and outcomes

9.   I can communicate course goals and outcomes using the syllabus and course announcements at the beginning of the course.



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Category 3: Pedagogical Competencies (11 questions)

(Question 10 out of 11): Establish my presence in the course

10.   I can establish my presence in the course on a regular basis via course announcements, assignments, emails, online office hours, and various other methods.



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Category 3: Pedagogical Competencies (11 questions)

(Question 11 out of 11): Demonstrate sensitivity to disabilities and diversities

11.   I can provide a departmental-accepted statement of accessibility in the course syllabus and, throughout the course, demonstrate sensitivity to disabilities and diversities, including aspects of cultural, cognitive, emotional, and physical differences.

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